The Book of Strange New Things

Michel Faber

The world changes too fast. You take your eyes off something that's always been there, and the next minute it's just a memory
The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber (Paperback ISBN 9781782114086) book cover

Available as Paperback, eBook, Downloadable audio

Michel Faber’s first novel in twelve years. Soon to be Amazon original series Oasis in 2017

OASIS, an Amazon Original Series, coming in 2017

‘I am with you always, even unto the end of the world …’

Peter Leigh is a missionary called to go on the journey of a lifetime. Leaving behind his beloved wife, Bea, Peter sets out on a quest to take the word of God to the farthest corners of the galaxy. His mission will challenge everything - his faith, his endurance and the love that can hold two people together, even when they are worlds apart.

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“Michel Faber’s second masterpiece, quite different to The Crimson Petal and The White but every bit as luminescent and memorable. It is a portrait of a living, breathing relationship, frayed by distance. It is an enquiry into the mountains faith can move and the mountains faith can’t move. It is maniacally gripping”
David Mitchell

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”Magnificently bold and addictive … a book quite unlike any other I’ve read”
Edmund Gordon
sunday Times

“As gripping as any thriller … A work of originality and insight”
Andrew Billen
the Times

“There are some novels that come along, when writing a review seems superfluous and all one wants to do is to grab someone by the shoulders and say: “Look, just read the damn thing!”. This is one of them … In this thoughtful, deeply moving page-turner, Faber excels himself”

“I can’t remember being so continually and unfailingly surprised by any book for a long time. I found it completely compelling and believable, and admired it enormously”
Philip Pullman

Michel Faber

Michel Faber has written nine other books. In addition to the Whitbread-shortlisted Under the Skin, he is the author of the highly acclaimed The Crimson Petal and the White, The Fire Gospel and The Fahrenheit Twins. He has also produced a poetry collection, Undying: A Love Story, two novellas, The Hundred and Ninety-Nine Steps and The Courage Consort, and has won several short-story awards, including the Neil Gunn, Ian St James and Macallan. In 2017, The Book of Strange New Things will be adapted into Amazon Original Series Oasis. Born in Holland, brought up in Australia, he now lives in the UK.

A fascinating visual breakdown of some of the effects in the Amazon pilot Oasis, based on The Book of Strange New Things.

The Book of Strange New Things cover

Listen to an extract from The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber, read by Josh Cohen.

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